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Beautiful, smoky eyes never go out of style -especially in the fall/winter months when you really want your eyes to “pop” with a dramatic look. Learn how to perfect this classic look with The Sonya Colour Collection in just a few easy steps:
1. Sonya Colour Concealer Wheel
Smoky eyes require a lot of eye shadow. To avoid the
“melting” look or creases of colour, use just a touch of
Lilac from the Sonya Colour Concealer Wheel (#184)
applied to your lid. Use it as a primer for a perfect eyeshadow base.

2. Sonya Eye Pencil
Apply Sonya Eye Pencil in Midnight Black (#174) to your upper lash line, making it thicker in the middle and extending just past the end of the outer part of the eye. Line the bottom lashes a bit less than the top, and make sure to smudge the liner with a good Eye Liner Smudger. Smoky eyes are not supposed to be “sharp.”

3. Sonya Eye Shadow
Now it’s time to start applying your eye shadow: 

• Apply a light colour base over the entire lid, up to the brow bone. Linen (#135) and Moonlight (#149) are two great colour choices that blend easily into
every skin tone.
• Next, apply a darker shadow, from your lash line to your eyelid crease. Crystal Waters (#148), Birch (#143), and Charcoal (#155) are all excellent colours. Start with a small amount of shadow on your brush, adding just a little bit at a time.
• Use an Eye Shadow Brush to blend the darker shadow into the lighter shadow until the darker colour fades away completely at the crease of the eye.
• Make sure to blend the eye shadow into the eyeliner
to create a deep, soft look. You should not see a distinct line on any part of the eye.
• Blending, softening, practice and patience will perfect your application.
4. Sonya Mascara
Add 2-3 coats of Black Mascara (#170). You can curl your lashes first or simply leave the lashes as they are. You can use an Eyelash Curler to get that extra curl of the lashes.

5. Sonya Translucent Powder
Complete your look by “setting” your eye makeup using the Sonya Powder with a powder Brush to apply a very light, sheer dusting of Sonya Translucent Powder (#167), (#168) or (#169).

6. “Clean Up”
Be sure to “clean up” any fallen eye shadow or out-ofline 
eye pencil.

7. Sonya Aloe Eye Makeup Remover
At the end of the day, Sonya Aloe Eye Makeup Remover (#186) provides a gentle and very effective way to remove eye makeup while conditioning and nourishing the delicate eye area. Remember to keep your favorite Sonya Lipstick colour sheer and light, and be very gentle applying your blush - add just a touch. Your favorite Sonya Lip Gloss and a smile will give your eyes the focus! 

LIP COLOUR: Sonya Lip Pencil Mystique (#177),
Sonya Lipstick Pink Reflection (#202) and Sonya LipGloss Crystal Clear (#190)

Did you know that the food you eat is only as healthy as the soil it’s grown in? It is important to know that good farming methods are used to create the products you present to yourself and others. An unfortunate setback to the freshness of your food is the amount of time it takes to get them delivered to you. The fruits and vegetables that we buy off the shelves may be well over a week old by the time we eat them. The nutritional values of our foods diminish quickly in that time, even if stored correctly.

Many times, fruits are picked before they are ripe (for faster crop turn over) and then sprayed with chemicals to make them
ripen when needed. In some cases, foods are transported from far away places and 
preservatives (chemicals) are heavily used to make sure that the food does not rot (or appear rotten) before they reach the stores
that we purchase them from. Have you ever wondered how it is possible to now get strawberries and mangoes all year round? The use of these chemicals and methods is controversial and may not be in your best interest to produce a healthy lifestyle.

Some people are skeptical that
supplements do nothing to aid in our overall health. As a general rule most people
are lacking major vitamins and minerals that aid in times of illness, stress, or help maintain healthy bodily growth. 

Today there are many quality nutritional supplements available. Many of these supplements have critical elements
to help maintain a healthy body. Of course there is no one magic pill that can keep us healthy at all times, but with the right supplements helping you build a healthy lifestyle you greatly improve your body’s chances of fighting off illness. It is highly recommended by many leading nutritional experts that you find the right combination of supplements to enhance your nutritional intake of essential vitamins and minerals. It has been established that we need Dietary Supplements to maintain a healthy nutritive balance in our bodies. Here is how supplements actually work:

• We need all the nutrients in their proper amounts for optimum health. Since our
diets most likely cannot provide all of them, nutritional supplements can fill in those gaps.
• Living a healthy lifestyle taking nutritional supplements also may assist
your body in avoiding or resisting germs causing diseases. The stronger your
immune system, the more resistant your body can be against disease. Vitamin C has been held to assist in avoiding the common cold and other related illnesses.
• Nutritional supplements may be useful in neutralizing the chemicals and toxins which we take in everyday. The
environmental stresses we go through,chemicals we are in touch with, as well as our unhealthful lifestyle – all subjectus to harmful toxins which can lead toserious health problems. Supplements,especially those with anti-oxidantsproperties, can help our body combatthese toxins.There are many  benefits that nutritionalsupplements can provide. The main point isthat nutritional supplements can assist youto obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle.Help you have the optimum health youdeserve and minimize the risk of diseases.“I am already taking supplements,but I barely see any difference,” is a common complaint from some peoplewho use supplements. The problem here isthat people do not really take supplementsseriously. They take the one most available,or perhaps the cheapest. They believe inall bold claims from websites and otherdubious sources and end up getting lowquality products.

To take full advantage of what dietary supplements can offer, you must choose the right supplement. Research the company
and know the source of ingredients. It is only by taking your choice seriously will you be able to live a fuller and better life.

After you consume alcohol, your body breaks it down into acetaldehyde, prior to converting it into less harmful substances.

The acetaldehyde messes with your brain at the same time as a host of depleted minerals are short-circuiting your nerve system, and that’s in addition to low blood sugar and the classic headache-and-dry-mouth symptoms caused by dehydration.

The result is twitchy nerves, unpleasantness, pessimism, terrible brain pain, and a temporary suspension of the laws of gravity.

The more you drink in a short period of time, the more you will feel the alcohol. One’s weight is also a factor (the less you weigh, the more you’ll feel it), as is a genetic predisposition. Finally, the older you get, the more you’ll feel the alcohol the next morning.

Aloe Vera Gel will help you ease all these symptoms! Aloe Vera Gel will help you feel sober which metabolize ingested alcohol, which occurs via oxidation through the liver before alcohol leaves the body.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel to Hangover?

* Aloe Vera eases the effects of acetaldehyde in your body
* Aloe Vera converts ingested alcohol into non-harmful substances in aid for proper and fast digestion
 * Aloe Vera eliminates dehydration and headache-and-dry-mouth symptoms
 * Aloe Vera relaxes nerves
 * Aloe Vera helps you feel sober and calm
 * Aloe Vera help eases headache

Now you know how to treat hangover when the next time you experience one! Only one product can deal all those predicaments for you! And its… Aloe Vera Gel

Are you feeling bloated, constipated and just run down? Did you know that 1/2kg - 2kg of your current weight could be toxic fecal matter stuck to the intestinal wall and colon causing numerous health conditions? Did you know that your liver is responsible for eliminating excess cholesterol and fat from your blood? It will only do this when it is not toxic.
CONSTIPATION - Obstructed or blocked bowel;difficult defecation, infrequent passage of stool, obstipation and severe constipation (no movement). Latin meaning of constipation means " topress together".

Hardness and impaction of feces. If a person suffers from chronic constipation you can be sure that every tissue and cell is similarly affected. Chronic constipation is not a disease but a symptom that leads to disease. It is the cause of much illness and although constipation itself may not kill you, the condition it will bring on may.
Improper diet, lack of exercise, drugs, cancer, emotional stress, not answering nature's call, laxatives, intestinal obstruction (diverticulitis, spastic colon, intestinal atony, depression, poor pelvic support, antacids, inactivity of nerves, loss of nerve impulse, chemical additives, overeating, improper food combining, hot and cold drinks, tea and coffee may cause this. Last but not least a B vitamin deficiency especially B-1 (thiamine) due to improper diet.

A forty-day raw food plan is agreat help in reversing the problem. Foods eaten are fresh raw fruits, and vegetables, fresh sprouted grains, seeds and rawnuts. All these foods are eaten in a fresh and uncooked state. Cooked whole grains are also beneficial in bringing the bowel back to a normal state.

Dr. William Hunter, "The fact that chronic constipation might exist in
certain individuals as a normal permanent condition without apparently causing ill health, is due solely to the power and protective action of the liver. It is only an evidence that some individuals possess the cecum and the colon of anox, with the liver of a pig capable of doing any amount of detoxification."

Hiatal hernia, tumors, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer,gastritis, stomach cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhea, pancreatitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis, cancer of the pancreas, colitis,Crohn's Disease, cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, and gallstones. If any part of the body becomes infected, the cause of this infection likely started in the colon.
Poor appetite, loss of memory or concentration, neuritis and neuralgia, (causing reflex pain throughout the body), cold feet and hands, bad breath, lack of interest in life, skin problems, protruding abdomen, depression, lack of sexual response, fatigue, over weight, gas, belching or flatulence, craving for food, not feeling good, anxiety and worry, headaches, insomnia, irritability, abdominal discomfort, nervousness, menstrual problems, nausea, swelling of legs, anemia, increased body odors, sagging posture, tender abdomen, brittle nails and hair, dark circles undereyes, malnutrition, coated tongue, sallow complexion, blood pressure up or down and low back pain, lack of endurance, disinclination for work or play, headache, irritability, anorexia, flatulence, nausea, mental and physical depression, anxiety or fearfulness, malnutrition, poor circulation, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, neurological conditions, neuroses, neuritis, loss of memory, protruding lower lip.

Lower back pain is mainly caused by chronic constipation. The transverse colon falls down into a U shape and the impacted material lies in the middle, or it gets impacted in the two flexures – the splenic and the hepatic flexures. This, in turn, irritates the nerves and pushes on the spine. People who have cleansed their colon and returned the pH balance to normal have found that most of the time their back pains are relieved.

There are two types of constipation:
One type is when the feces that pass from the body are overly packed together.
The other type of constipation is atonic which is when the haustras or the muscles in the colon wall have lost their tone. The debris has dried out and is impacted in the bowel and can no longer be relieved by peristalsis or through the muscles in the bowel wall. "Spastic" means that the bowel shuts down and strangles itself, and fails to release the debris, which then becomes hard and impacted just the same as it would if in aflaccid state bowel or an atonic bowel.

Vegetables - celery, cabbage, leeks, spring greens, onions, kale, parsnips, brussel sprouts, beets, spinach, carrots, cauliflower, summer greens, lettuce, red and green peppers, endive, watercress, and chicory.
Fruit –apples, pears, tomatoes, raspberries, black currants, grapes,oranges, pineapple, grapefruit, melon, raisins, figs. Fruits can be a life saver in getting rid of constipation and increasingthe intestinal transit time; however, dried fruit can be part of a gas problem. 
PLANT FIBER, ROSELLE and OATS also does very very well,
If you need a superior cleansing health drink made from all natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all the toxins from your colons, leaving it clean and healthy and with no side effect dont hestate to clean your colon.
OR you may face the following which i personally dont like the position.
